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Normal ranges are shown in parentheses


HAE-related laboratory results before starting C1-INH therapies:


  • C1q level = 212 mcg/mL     (109-242 mcg/mL)

  • C4 level = 7 mg/dL     (15-45 mg/dL; varies with lab)

  • C1- INH level (C1-INH) level = 5 mg/dL     (16-33 mg/dL)

  • C1-INH function = 10% of normal     (ELISA assay)


Note that complement studies for diagnosis must be performed when the patient is not receiving C1-INH replacement therapy because it will alter results.

Other Laboratory Results


  • Complete blood count with differential: within the normal range

  • Comprehensive metabolic panel: fasting plasma glucose 101 mg/dL, transaminases, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, creatinine kinase, and other findings within the normal range

  • TSH = 4.6 mU/L (0.4-4.0 mU/L)

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